Sunday, 20 November 2011

My new command

This is the little boat I have purchased to relax and fish for fun in perfect sunny weather for a change, instead of having to battle with the elements as I did in the past.
She is only 14 feet but she is big enough to handle on my own when launching and retrieving to the trailer at the end of the day.
Hopefully I will manage to acquire a permanent mooring at Maidens for the season which will make it even easier for me.
The adventures might not be so enthralling but I will write about the fun I have.
She had no name when I bought her so I have named her "CHASCA" after the Celtic goddess of the dawn and twilight.
As I have, albeit against my wishes been called DON it seemed appropriate when I came across her name.
I am sure Chasca the goddess will protect her namesake and all who sail in her.
You are welcome to read about our adventures together when the time comes, so catch us here when the winter months have passed.